rainbow-konan’s diary


東京都民は、小池百合子都知事が大好きなの? / Do Tokyoites love Governor Yuriko Koike?




江東区長選挙 結果】

 <当選>大久保 朋果氏(推薦:自民、公明、国民、都民ファースト)

     酒井  菜摘氏(推薦:立民、共産、れいわ、社民、他)

【八王子市長選挙 結果】

 <当選>初宿 和夫氏(推薦:自民、公明)

     滝田 泰彦氏(推薦:立民、共産、社民、他)
















thank you for your hard work.


The other day, the Hachioji mayoral election and the Koto Ward mayoral election were held in Tokyo.

[Koto Ward Mayor Election Results]

<Winner> Mr. Tomoka Okubo (Recommendation: Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, Citizen, Tokyo Citizen First)

       Sakai  Natsumi (Recommended by: Ritmin, Communist Party, Reiwa, Social Democratic Party, etc.)

[Hachioji mayoral election results]

<Winner> Mr. Kazuo Hatsujuku (Recommendation: Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito)

Mr. Yasuhiko Takita (Recommendation: Ritsumeikan, Communist Party, Social Democratic Party, etc.)


In the Hachioji mayoral election, Koichi Hagiuda, who was involved in the ``slush money scandal,'' was a stronghold, and famous people such as Yoshihide Suga, Shinjiro Koizumi, and Sanae Takaichi gave speeches to support him. ' There was no change.

What changed the direction was Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike's speech of support two days ago.

I can only say that it is amazing that the tide of the election could be changed in just two days.

The mayor of Koto Ward was also recommended by the group of Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.


By the way, I don't understand what is being praised about Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.

After all, the suspicion of ``allegedly falsifying his educational background'' has not been cleared up.

A former housemate confessed his real name in November last year.

Tokyo residents are very tolerant.


Even though Egypt receives support from Japan, I would like the facts to be conveyed.

No matter how long it takes, I don't feel refreshed.