rainbow-konan’s diary


資源ゴミ立ち当番をボイコットした結果 /The result of boycotting the resource garbage standing duty











私 : 「資源ゴミ立ち当番のことで聞きたい事があるんだけど、チョットいいかな?」

友人: 「何?」

私:  「UR都市機構の場合、欠席したら階段の他の当番の人に欠席理由を説明しなくちゃいけないの?」

友人:「何それ? そんなの自治会の担当者に事前に連絡しておけばいいよ」

私:   「たまたま、食事中に話が聞こえてきたので、集合住宅って一人ひとりに説明責任が発生するんだと思ったんよ」


私:  「ゴメン。気分の悪くなる話をしたわ」











happy new year.


After shopping at the Apita Konan branch, when I was eating, the elderly woman next to me made me want to retort, saying, "It's real."

It seems that the contents did not stand for the first time on the day of "resource garbage standing duty".

Then, the person in charge came to my house and asked me, "It's your duty day, haven't you forgotten?"

The woman said, "I know. I haven't received my duty armband."

Then, the person in charge said, "If you don't go out, please explain to the other people on the stairs," she said and left.


This woman, she seems to live in an apartment complex, and she didn't seem comfortable with this practice.

I called a friend who lives in the Urban Renaissance Agency because the conditions for living in the same apartment complex are the same.

Me: "There's something I'd like to ask you about the duty to stand up for the recyclable garbage. Is it alright?"

Friend: "What?"

Me: "In the case of UR Urban Renaissance Agency, if I am absent, do I have to explain the reason for my absence to the other person on duty at the stairs?"

Friend: "What is that? You should contact the person in charge of the neighborhood association in advance."

Me: "I happened to overhear the conversation during the meal, so I thought that each person would be held accountable in an apartment complex."

Friend: "That's bad. It means that the residents' association is not functioning. And in my experience, I have never been explained why I was absent."

Me: "Sorry, I told you something that made me feel sick."


said and hung up.

There is a difference between collective housing.

In the first place, there is a problem with the administration that makes "forced volunteers".


What she felt as she listened (heard) was that until now, this elderly woman seemed to have been on duty seriously.

However, she's getting tougher due to her age, and there are times when other people don't appear, but she's the only one who appears every time.


By the end of this year, she hopes to realize the “abolition of resource garbage standing duty”